Purpose Driven Insights
Exploring the Benefits of Development Corporations and Land Trusts
Where the need for unlocking value with strategic land assets has been identified, municipalities, governments, First Nations and institutions are increasingly exploring arms-length delivery entities, known as development corporations or land trusts.
Affordable Housing: Best Practices and Resources
In cities around the globe, the affordable housing crisis is a pressing problem affecting well-being, quality of life, economic performance and city competitiveness. ULI's latest report Promoting Housing Affordability highlights best practices for increasing housing supply…
Placemaking: the Game Changer Driving Asset Value and Repositioning in Real Estate
As it turns out, placemaking, although a concept that has been around for a while (thanks for this reminder @danielboffo), still fills an unquenched thirst at real estate conferences.
Success in Real Estate Development Extends Beyond Profitability: 3 Reasons How
A recent Globe and Mail article on optimizing business success states "Beyond the bottom line, we all win when companies embed corporate social responsibility into strategy and the core business.
Well-Planned Cities Increase Returns for Real Estate Developers.
Do you know that feeling when your worlds collide in a great way like when two close friends get together or there is a combined wine and chocolate tasting event? As a real estate developer and an urban planner, that is what this study was like for me.
Improving Certainty in Real Estate Development? Canadians Want "Purpose-Led"
So...how is this relevant to real estate development and city-building? Let me share our experience with this.
Retreat is Not an Option: Powerful Piece on Women in Leadership
Marie Henein's powerful piece on women in leadership, and Hillary's run for Presidency is one of the most inspiring, truthful and motivating pieces that I have read on women in leadership.
2024, Influential Women in Business Awards
2024, Urban Land Institute Women’s Leadership Initiative Award
2023, CREW Leadership Award
2023, Urban Land Institute Women’s Leadership Initiative Award
2022, Land Awards
2022, Land Champion